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Fri, 15 Jan 2021 10am



Within the small scale environmental monitoring service offer, instead, based on SAR data acquired with a ground based sensor, we offer five services, differentiated by the monitored time interval and the frequency of the monitoring. Said services have been designed to better satisfy monitoring requests of specific types of phenomena. Table 2 shows:

  • the various types of services offered,
  • their availability within specific business areas,
  • the optimal characteristics of the phenomenon to be monitored.
Offered Service Landslides Infrastructures Characteristics of the phenomenon to be monitored
Short term Monitoring X X Very fast phenomenon, with fast transients
Long term Monitoring X X Fairly slow phenomenon, with fairly fast transients
Periodical Monitoring X X Slow phenomenon, with slow transients
Permanent Monitoring X X Slow phenomenon or of very high economic and/or social risk
Emergency case X X Sudden and dangerous phenomenon which requires immediate monitoring, often characterized by fast transients
Check Study X X Slow phenomenon, slow transients

Table 2 – Services offered for small scale environmental monitoring

A brief description of the supply process for the various small scale environmental monitoring services is described following:

  1. Short term monitoring (STM): one week of monitoring (5 working days), which includes an onsite inspection, transport and assembly of the equipment, data acquisition, data analysis and final written report.
  2. Long term monitoring (LTM): several continuous weeks of monitoring based on customer’s request, which includes an onsite inspection, transport and assembly of the equipment, data acquisition, data analysis and final written report.
  3. Periodical check (PC): one week of monitoring (5 working days), which includes an onsite inspection, transport and assembly of the equipment, data acquisition and data analysis. A further three weeks of monitoring (of one week each) are to be carried out in the following 3/6 months to the initial monitoring campaign carried out in the same format as the Short Term Monitoring but without onsite inspection.
  4. Permanent monitoring (PM1/PMA): this service is subdivided into two specific typologies depending if it is the first installation of the system (PM1 - planning service, construction, implementation and maintenance of a permanent monitoring station) or a subsequent service (PMA – foresees process structured as STM).
  5. Emergency case (EC): structured as the STM but with variable duration based on specific requirements and without onsite inspection due to the emergency scenario. We guarantee to arrive onsite within 24 hours of your call.
  6. Check Study (CS): a subsequent deformation study of the terrain or of the infrastructures present in a specific area.

Each of the above mentioned services can be adapted to specific Customer requirements. For more information, kindly contact us by: